Monthly Archives: February 2019

(March 20 - April 19):
You couldn't wait to break free from a certain obligation. And now that you are, you don't know what to do. Maybe you want to see what your "obligation" is up to?
(April 20 - May 20):
You receive a boss or client's seal of approval. This is more than a pat on the back. You can look forward to real and tangible rewards.
(May 21 - June 20):
Say that you're interested, but still on the fence. You worked hard for others in the past. It's time to see what they'll do for you in the future.
(June 21 - July 21):
Moving forward means leaving behind what's safe and secure. But don't worry. The unknown will become familiar soon enough.
(July 22 - Aug. 22):
There are hints of progress at work today. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll soon see a break in the cloud cover.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):
It's time to pool resources. It's not something that you're comfortable doing, but what you and another party accomplish together is more than what you'd get done on your own.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):
Sheer determination and discipline enables you to go further than you ever thought you could before. Every achievement brings new possibilities.
(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):
Your moral support is what's important. Whether or not a loved one realizes his/her objective is secondary.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):
Approach your goal in stages and you'll get a clearer idea of what you're capable of. Expectations become realistic as your mastery of the situation improves.
(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):
Moon trine Mars gives you a confidence boost. Instead of feeling like you'll be asked to leave, you can relax and make yourself comfortable.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):
Helping someone else helps you in the end. It's not what you initially planned, but it's nice to see how everyone benefits.
(Feb. 18 - March 19):
Seeing something through to the end isn't easy, but you'll be glad you persevered today.

(March 20 - April 19):
A surprise hitch in plans stops you short. Save yourself grief and review details. A simple adjustment is all it takes.
(April 20 - May 20):
A Sun/Mars sextile shows someone giving you an assist with getting up and over a hurdle. Everything that follows this will be up to you.
(May 21 - June 20):
You're being given a chance to let go of things that haven't been working and to pursue a new approach. Take it!
(June 21 - July 21):
A customer or client gets demanding. Do the unexpected and accommodate. You'll see a mountain revert to its former status as molehill.
(July 22 - Aug. 22):
Sometimes you can come on too strong. Instead of pushing, why not let people come to you? Make them feel needed and they'll flock to you in droves.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):
A vote of confidence comes from an unlikely source. Not only does this remove a major obstacle, it breathes new life into an endeavor.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):
You set the rules and colleagues break them. Try using reverse psychology instead. Don't set them and watch as they look around anxiously.
(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):
You can provoke or diffuse a confrontation. It's a question of handling. Keep matters light and breezy and you'll soon see that no one's in the mood for a fight.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):
Heed a warning. You won't see how it applies right now, but you will be thankful for it later on. It's why they call it foresight.
(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):
You were banking on one outcome. Now it looks like there are alternatives to consider. You need to reassess how to proceed from here.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):
Skepticism takes a holiday when someone you were sure would say no accepts instead. Moreover this person wants to help. Don't spare the requests.
(Feb. 18 - March 19):
Think about what you're truly capable of doing at work. An accurate assessment of your abilities (more than ambition) leads to a happy fit.

(March 20 - April 19):
A caustic remark cuts you to the quick, but resist the urge to respond in kind because it's not worth it. Lowering yourself to this person's level only diminishes you.
(April 20 - May 20):
You're surprised to learn that someone you gave up on never gave up on you. Make plans to get together. You'll be glad you did.
(May 21 - June 20):
Friends accuse you of playing with your variables, but you know better than to accept things as fait accompli. Keep your options open.
(June 21 - July 21):
You don't like last minute changes, but let this one come in under the wire because it benefits you enormously.
(July 22 - Aug. 22):
You thought you were above a certain type of work but no one's above anything in today's economy. Don't worry. Indentured servitude doesn't last forever.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):
You hate to leave anything half finished but if you want to maintain your excellent standards then you'll have to let something go.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):
Your decision may be sudden, but working out its consequences will take considerably longer. Don't let that dampen your resolve.
(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):
If you're waiting for the right time, then you may be waiting a long time. Today is as good a day as any to act on changes you've been talking about making.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):
A last minute cancellation or change of plans throws you for a loop. Think fast because this could work to your advantage.
(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):
Practice living in the here-and-now. It's not as easy as it sounds - especially for someone who's keenly aware that the clock is ticking.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):
Cut out of work early today if you can. Embattled colleagues won't come to their senses anytime soon and you could use a breather.
(Feb. 18 - March 19):
Seeds are planted for a future venture but you won't see any signs of growth before July. By then you'll have to hurry just to catch up.

(March 20 - April 19):
You hate for people to see your vulnerable side, but showing you're human is only human. Sometimes you can be too tough for your own good.
(April 20 - May 20):
Not only can you yield on a hotly contested point, but weeks from now you'll barely remember what all of the fuss was about.
(May 21 - June 20):
Some things are best taken on faith. A valuable contact can't do much now, but check again in March. You'll be glad you did.
(June 21 - July 21):
You still have a ways to go before locking in support but the pledges you collect today can be used to hook bigger fish.
(July 22 - Aug. 22):
Good luck buoying a loved one's sagging spirits. There's a difference between down-in-the-dumps and bottomless pit. You might want to shine a flashlight to see how far the drop is.
(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):
You can't act decisively without upsetting people in the process. But the sooner you do what's necessary, the sooner they'll get over it.
(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):
You're the first to join forces, but recent events have taught you the merits of holding back to see what others bring to the table. In the end you'll get more for your efforts.
(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):
You don't feel like giving an inch, but do it. You'll wind up scoring big points with the Powers-that-Be.
(Nov. 22 - Dec. 20):
A loved one takes issue with just about everything you do. It's a control freak thing. Talk about it, but don't water down your feelings on the matter.
(Dec. 21 - Jan. 19):
You're used to being the provider so what happens when a partner or intimate starts to make more? You learn how to say thank-you.
(Jan. 20 - Feb. 17):
You thought calling an adversary's bluff was a shot in the dark however you may discover that you actually hit your mark.
(Feb. 18 - March 19):
There's no such thing as a stupid question. In fact asking it may be the smartest thing you've done in weeks, so ask away!