Monthly Archives: January 2016

Daily horoscopes: January 25, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

Pulling the plug on a venture or project will do more harm than good. You’ve come too far to back out now and must see things through to the end.


(April 20 - May 20):

It won’t be easy and it won’t be nice but inviting people to voice their grievances clears the air and puts everybody back on the same page. Read more

Should you break up or make up?

So, you’re in a fight with your boo and you feel like you’re at a crossroads. You can either break up or make up. That’s a tough decision you have in front of you. Both options involve emotional pain and faith in yourself. I’m just really glad I’m not in your shoes! Totally kidding! Of course I’ve been there. I so feel you. In fact, everyone who’s ever been in a relationship feels you. And, as someone who kinda recently decided to end it with a really wonderful man when it wasn’t working, I think Read more

3 Very unexpected US destinations to meet millionaires

"Where are all of the great, single millionaires?" That’s a question I get asked all the time. And honestly, the answer isn’t all that complicated or difficult to find out. All you have to do is think like a millionaire. If you had the financial means, what would you do? Where would you go? How would you spend your time? Just giving those questions some solid thinking will land you with several options of where you can go to meet millionaires. The bar areas of steak houses. Charity events. Tech conferences. What you might not be thinking about, though, is Read more

The Number One Dating Mistake

Here's the number one dating mistake. Hoping they will change. I’m about to tell you something I want you to remember. It's a visual I'd like you to put inside your brain. Think of a man you're dating right now. Think about the relationship dynamic. Are you looking for him to change or become something you wish he would be? Read more

Daily horoscopes: January 15, 2016


(March 20 - April 19):

You know that comment you want to make but know you shouldn’t? Refrain. You’d only be pouring gasoline on the fire.


(April 20 - May 20):

It pays to be politic these days - especially when you don’t know who’s in and who’s out. Steer clear of office gossips. Read more

How to deal when your boyfriend travels a lot

In my matchmaking business, I talk to a lot of women who are dating jet-setter men. I’m convinced that no one, not even pilots, travel more than my clients. It’s a little bit of what keeps me in business because it’s so hard to meet the right person when you’re not home a lot. And, I’m happy to step in and help. But, it’s also hard to keep a long-term relationship strong and healthy when one of you is out of town all the time. And, in that scenario, I’m not around the couple enough to jump in and help. So, I’m hoping these tips help any women out there who are dealing with a man who travels a lot. Read more