Monthly Archives: August 2015

Aging with Exuberance

Living with fantastic energy is my main squeeze lately… How to harness it, where to put it, most importantly who do I share my energy with. What does this have to do with aging you say? "EVERYTHING" Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 20, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

Ease up. People are trying to help, but they won’t be effective if you keep undermining their efforts. You have to stop interfering because you’re the one who suffers in the end.


(April 20 - May 20):

You don’t like emotional blackmail, but the more you avoid the topic, the more this person can use it against you. If there was ever a time to come clean, it’s now. Read more

What to do When Meeting His Friends Doesn’t go Well

Meeting your new guy’s friends is a huge deal. Not quite as big as meeting the parents, but it’s definitely on the same relationship marker spectrum. It means he’s proud of you and wants to show you off to people who are important to him. And he should be. You’re awesome, woman! But, that first friend meet isn’t always smooth sailing. I’ve heard friend horror stories that will make even the worst mother-in-law stories look like fairy tales. Here’s what to do when things go awry in the friend department. Read more

Why Dating Makes No Sense

I’m sitting here with my friend Alex who is also a dating coach, and we’re talking about how dating makes absolutely no sense. Read more

Daily horoscopes: August 19, 2015


(March 20 - April 19):

An opponent or rival sees the error of his ways. Be smart and have those release forms, court documents, and/or power of attorney papers ready to sign.


(April 20 - May 20):

Sometimes the instinct for self-preservation gets in the way of spiritual evolution. Only you can decide if you’re fighting for something worth holding on to or if it’s time to let go. Read more

Bad in Bed

Dear Emily, I recently started dating a guy (a great guy, actually!) and things are going really well. There’s only one problem… I’m afraid to have sex with him! We’ve been seeing each other for almost two months now and we still haven’t done the deed. It’s not that I’m not attracted to him or that I’m afraid he won’t respect me. The real reason is that I am pretty sure I’m bad in bed. Read more